
As Interim Manager...

  • I bridge your unforeseen vacancy and immediately take over the operational responsibility, support the replacement, introduce the next person and ensure a clean handover of responsibility

  • I temporarily manage your ICT organization or parts of it; if desired, I also develop it further and modernize your information technology

  • drive your digital, agile or IT transformation and change processes

  • I lead or supervise your strategic projects and programs.

As a CIO Advisor...

  • I act as a sparring partner for your CIO / Head of ICT, for the executive management or for the board of directors

  • I offer my expertise to optimize your ICT strategy and improve your business processes

  • help you identify and efficiently deploy the right technologies and architectures to achieve your business goals

Your advantages

  • short term availability

  • Immediate performance through rapid onboarding and many years of experience

  • rapid gain of stakeholder trust

  • flexible workload: the workload can be quickly adapted to current needs

  • Focus and execution strength guarantee fast results

  • Impartiality and outside perspective